Monday 4 November 2013

15) The Cooking

So now we've cooked pork belly, chicken tandoori, pizza, spuds......... so I can say it works!

Thursday 17 October 2013

14) The first propper pizza !


Getting ready to bake the first pizza!

 Warming the oven up the day before
Imogen & Dominic testing heat output and just messing about way past their bed time!

The day of the big fire up!....  Decided to call in authentic Italian chef, well almost!
Mr P Rovardi making himself useful....

Temp touching 500c

Saturday 21 September 2013

13 ) Finished dome

All building work done, just need to wait for it to dry out!

Thursday 19 September 2013

Monday 8 July 2013

11) Building the outer arch

11) Building the second arch.....

 Again used the insulation board as a form.
Second Layer of insulation blanket

Render over the instalation blanket & chicken wire.
 Second arch is slightly flatter, not perfect but looks ok from a distance.....


Monday 20 May 2013

9) Building the arch - II

Finally got around to building the arch.....
Decided to use insulations board as its easy to cut & shape

Built up side colums to take the weight of the arch, as its slightly parabolic it wanst to spread!
Inserted springer bricks.
Time for another beer!

8) Firing the oven

First Fire of the oven...... woried.

 Imogen & Dom witness the first firing.....
 Looks ok but a lot of smoke!